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Bevel and Miter Gears:
- 3 DP to 24 DP, up to 18" center cone distance
Gear Racks:
- Up to 1 C.P., 4 D.P., and up to 6 Module Maximum face width 4" by 10 feet long
Helical Gears:
- 1 D.P. to 120 D.P. maximum 90" diameter x 24" face width
- Spur Gears, Involute Splines, Straight Splines, Keyways to 2 1/2" wide x 22" long, Special Slots.
- Up to 2 1/2" pitch, 90" maximum diameter for Standard Roller Chain
Spur Gears (Hobbed):
- Up to 1 C.P., 1 D.P. and up to 12 Module, Maximum 90" diameter X 24" face width.
Spur Gears (Shaped):
- Externals and Internals. Up to 2 D.P., 36" maximum pitch diameter X 6" face width
Thread Milling:
- Up to 6" diameter thru spindle, maximum length 10 feet, multiple starts. Worms, lead, screws, and special thread forms
Worm and Worm Gears:
- Worm Gears up to 90" maximum diameter. Worms up to 10" diameter X 2 1/2 pitch, multiple starts
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